2018 Real Estate Predictions

April 9, 2018 | By Imma Giocoli

2018 Real Estate Predictions

1) The NYC Real Estate Market will continue to stabilize, and in areas with inventory in 1M-1.5M range will continue to flourish.

2)The rental market will continue to be a renters paradise.

3)Landlords in walk up buildings will need to give bigger concessions to lure in tenants.

4)This will remain a relationship buisness.

5)Technology will not take over, it will allow us to work smarter not harder.

6)Buying Real Estate will remain one of the best if not THE best invetment vehicle.

7)Buying Real Estate will feel more challenging with the limited inventory in the 1M - 1.5M range which seems to be the median level and the highest in demand.

8)High End Real Estate will become challenging when the higher rates go into effect and the reduction of the Real Estate tax breaks.

9)Real Estate will continue to close.

10)People will continue to move.

So get out there and list some new properties, or buy them :)