

February 16, 2023 | By Imma Giocoli

Whats to come? 

In Real Estate the only constant is change. How do we adapt? How do we forge forward when every deal is falling apart, or appears to be extremely challenging?

Where do we muster up the stamina and the tenacity we need to move through a declining economy?

For a Highly Senistive Entrepreneur it comes with an added level of OMG, it comes with some type of crisis feeling, well I have some good news to share - 

When you feel like this overwhelm is coming on like a hot flash, or panic attack - just remember all you can do is let it go! Let it go, breathe deep, exhale loudly and align your breathing with your heart.

Today more than ever, you will need to put these steps into action more often than not.

Try it you just might find it helpful. I also recommend counting backwards from 5 before you make a move or any decisions in this climate.

So, whats to come? Whats to come doesnt really matter so long as you are prepared for it.

Think of it like taking a trip to a far away place - you really have no idea what you will encounter but you are willing and able to meet it head on, some back pack some fly - when you arrive what comes your way you need to handle.

Same in this market - be prepared for a change, a slowdown, a challenge time where you may feel like you cant make ends meet to pay your bills and go into it ready to pivot at a moments notice.

Selling Real Estate never STOPS - some variables change, prices change, peoples buying power is definately changing..but the business never stops.

When the market becomes unaffordable to most, the rental market gets super hot again, then as soon as things level out, the teeter totter comes center.

Remember, its not whats going on that matters, it is what you make of it that does.

How you pivot will matter. Are you a Highly Sensitive Real Estate Professional and not sure ? 

You just seem to know something is off or not on track, take my free quiz and text me we should have a chat! After all its only your life calling!


Ask Imma Introduction

February 5, 2019 | By Imma

Ask Imma Comming Soon.

Tags: #askimma